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6 GitHub repositories will sure boost your level as a developer.

     In the name of ALLAH;

    Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings, KweeKnowledge today has picked for you 6 GitHub repositories that will surely boost your level as a developer. Those repositories here in KweeKnowledge are considered as a treasure we are still using to expand our knowledge and to pick for our learners the best of the best of the informations.

    1- Free Programming Books:

    With no doubt reading still a very important way of getting all kind of information and to be clear, reading is actually the fastest and the best way to learn any topic, especially with programming, their is a large difference between courses and books, short story long, courses and simply a summarizing of a number of programming books, and we know that the informations we will find on a whole book are way more powerful than what we can find on its summary.

    In programming or more generally in the art of computing, we have in the internet a huge library of free books in all programming languages, and since some times we don't know where to find the book we want, this repository gathered all those free books in one and only one link, sounds cool yes or yes!

    Not only that, this repository contain this huge amount of books, and also a number of podcasts, courses and interactive projects. You get all of this for free, so we are always winner with it.

link: Free Programming Books.

    2- Coding interview University:

    If you dream to become a gifted software engineer and you want to work in Google, Apple, SPTria, Microsoft and like. This repository is you life present. The author really prepared for everything you need to success in you interview easily.

    This repository contains:

  • Study plans
  • Technical topics
  • Job search
  • How to write you cv
  • and way more topics..

link: Coding Interview University.

    3- Developer roadmap:

    As you may know, if you want to become a developer in any field, you always have to be up to date, and since its getting more and more larger, sometimes, beginners don't know where and how exactly to start. And that's why KweeKnowledge really recommend you this repository. It constrains a carefully designed roadmaps, also known by learning paths to go from zero to hero as programmers nowadays say in front end, back end and also DevOps if you are interested in those fields.

    Don't get  frustrated of those roadmaps sizes, that normal, if you want to succeed in your career, so everything takes its times slowly but surely

link: Developer roadmap:

    4- AWESOME:

    Yes its name is AWESOME, and really it is, this repository is even better than google when it comes to searching, everything you need to know about it is really here in this repository; databases, frontend, backend, c#, JavaScript, networks, cyber security, ….

    Literally everything is there, as a programmer or a computer scientist or whatever, this repository is your new encyclopedia.

    Really like KweeKnowledge articles? Help us with your Donations.

link: AWESOME.

    5- Build your own X:

    In your programming journey, just reading or taking courses will never lead you to fortify your skills, the most powerful advice you can take from an instructor, even here from KweeKnowledge is to always practice, what you have learned, maybe by solving problems or by making your own projects, and this repository is your KweeKnowledge gift. 

    But still, pay attention, this repository isn't for Absolut beginners, you need to be a little experienced with programming, and that's because this repository contains a number of advanced projects such as:

  • build your own text editor
  • build your own operating system
  • build your own crypto currency
  • build your own search engine
  • ….

link: Build your own X.

    6- Best websites a programmer should visit: 

    As we've said before, as a programmer or whatever in IT, you should work and seek knowledge all time to be up to date. That is why this repository will let you feel the programming paradise every programmer is looking for, this repository contains podcasts, tools, articles, books, documentaries, news and way more exciting things.

    This repository will save you from the danger of not founding a job because of the updates that this field know everyday.

    But DISCLAIMER; if you click on this repository, we are really sure that its really hard to get out of there, so manage carefully your schedule and stay awake.

link: Best website a programmer should visit.

    Here from SPTria, and this was KweeKnowledge. If you want to know more about KweeKnowledge click here. Also don't forget to help us improve the quality of our materials with your donations.


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